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My personal thoughts and reflections.
Photograph taken by me.


Dream and dreaming

Sometimes our dreams bring to us amazing magical visions, prophecies, hidden secrets of the nature of the universe and this world. They let us fly and see urreal worlds and events. Other times we are lucid dreamers, we are aware of everything around us, the awakened will has power to influence the sequence of events. That's only my opinion, but I believe that is healthier to acquire the ability to lucid dream in a natural way, than learn how to do it. Of course I am not saying that there is anything wrong with learning how to start having lucid dreams, because that's entirely up to everone's personal choice.


As they say: lucid dreaming is a brain state between REM sleep and being awake. But is it only our brain activity? Are we really only at the edge of dreaming and being awake?

Sometimes, in our dreams, we may meet people, who seem to not only be a part of the dream, but also be the aware ones. They can test us and watch us, ask us the questions which we would rather not tell to anyone. We can feel that they are much different that the other characters that we see in our dream, and their energy is much more intense.

© Gabriela KoÅ›cielniak, 2022. All rights reserved.

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